We are located at 171 Dandenong Rd, Mount Ommaney QLD 4074, Australia
Get directions

For our convenience, buses operate from Mt Ommaney Centre’s bus interchange located at the Woolworths entrance. For bus timetables visit the Translink website.

Taxi and ride sharing ranks are located near the bus terminal, in the Big W and Coles carpark and at the Kmart entrance.

Council Cab Service

Did you know the Council Cabs service organises shared taxis at scheduled times for residents who find it difficult to get to their local shops, including Mt Ommaney. You can use Council Cabs if you are:

  • over 60 years old
  • mobility impaired, or
  • a Pensioner Concession Card or Centrelink Seniors Card holder.

Each one-way trip costs between $1 and $2.50. To find out more or to book, phone 07 3403 2227.